Friday, March 27, 2009

Outfit- March 19, 2009

This is me saying, "Isn't it awesome that my new white top with the little tuxedo pleats is completely transparent?" Why can they shoot people into space, but not make a white shirt that isn't see-through? At least I noticed how bad it was before I went to work so I could throw on the dorky undershirt. Why, why, why? Is there really a woman out there who wants her co-workers to know exactly what her bra looks like? Gah! Anyhoo, I bought this top on clearance from Old Navy a while back, and I sort of regret it. First, because it is basically Saran Wrap as far as coverage goes, and second, it is going to be a bitch to iron. I HATE ironing, and this has those fussy little pleats that I thought were so cute...

You know what? I'm going to move on to the shoes. They are leopard print satin high-heel slides from Nine West. That totally makes them sound like boudoir slippers, but there are a subtle leopard print. (Is that an oxymoron?) I'm not a huge fan of this style of high heel because they are tricky to walk in, but they pretty much threw themselves into my virtual cart-- $20 on, which sometimes has really good clearance prices on name brand shoes. The sizes can be limited, but I've found some good stuff, AND any order over $25 ships for free, as long as it sold directly by Amazon. Love free shipping!

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