Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Shoes x 2

Long time, no blogging. Since I totally slacked the last week or so, here are two pairs of Tuesday shoes. I really, really wanted a pair of cobalt blue heels, so I turned to trusty Amazon, and found these Charles by Charles David Pompadour heels. The color glows and I LOVE the shape of these! Sort of retro, very sexy, and oh-so-difficult to walk in! The pitch is really steep, and so was the price (for me, anyway-- if my husband asks, they were 50 bucks.)
I'm never attracted to a shoe unless it potentially can cause calluses, corns, bunions or strained tendons. Sick, I know. But the soles are GOLD, you guys. Gold.

Anyway, while I was looking for these, Amazon helpfully popped up these boots! I've been on a hunt for The Perfect Boots for three years. My previous pair was purchased in 2000 from Maurices. They were PVC, had just the right level of shine, had round/square toes, a 3/4 inch platform and a chunky heel. The zipper ripped out back in 2006, plus Dimitri chewed on the toe. RIP. These new boots are not exactly those things, but they are leather and they do have round toes. They are Charles by Charles David Liberation* boots. I love them. Mission Accomplished!

*I'm not sure if they are women's "Liberation" or the full model name is "Women's Liberation." I hope it is just Liberation.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday Shoes

Yes, I own the much derided -- and defended-- Uggs. Except mine are worse, because they are fake Uggs, purchased at Target about 3 years ago. As in, well after they were considered cool on any planet. They are really Fuggs (appropriate, but not very nice), or Tuggs maybe. I'm going with Tuggs. And you know what? I don't have a problem with them, as long as they are worn as cold weather footwear and not paired with mini skirts. They are warm and comfy, and some days, that's all I ask. Come October, I will be defiantly plodding around the Metro area in them again.

Outfit- March 31, 2009

Another outfit that's all about the shoes. Brown pants and lavender button-up are from Express (on clearance!). I'm wearing a thrifted long necklace with fake pearls, which you can't see because it's hanging funny. The shoes are lilac-colored Charles by Charles David "Azalea" pointed toe pumps. They were part of the big Amazon.com shoe purchase I made this fall. Not at all comfortable, but pretty and shiny!
Side note-- I love button-up shirts but they are tough to fit. This one is a little tight, for example. I'm guessing this is pretty common, but it sure is annoying.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Gratuitous Picture of My Blogging Buddies

My babies are adorable, no?

Outfit- March 30, 2009 "In the Navy..."

I've been wanting to wear this sweater again before spring, and "luckily," awesome Minnesota weather gave me another chance. This is another piece of clothing I bought specifically to match a pair of shoes, in this case, these pink Chinese Laundry heels. Like 85% of my wardrobe, I bought it on clearance at Target. The pink in the argyle print matches these shoes almost perfectly. The skirt is thrifted and the navy tights are from welovecolors.com. The tights are a different kind of navy than the skirt (oh, the drama) but I managed to get through my day anyway.

Outfit- March 25, 2009

Oh man, some of my self-portraits are really great for keeping my ego in check. Oy. Anyway. On my work monitor, this outfit looks like one black blob, but it is actually a really cute navy blue empire-style dress by Converse One Star (for Target). It has black trim around the neckline and around the empire waist. I got it on clearance for 9.99 or something, and I'm pretty impressed with the quality. It's lined and everything, and actually really comfortable. I wore a cropped black cardigan, black tights, and red patent Isaac Mizrahi for Target mary janes ($7.50!!!). To appease my matchy-matchy self, I wore a shiny red necklace to tie it together.

This outfit actually marks the first time I broke the "no black with navy" rule I've been following blindly since prom shopping in 1998. My friend's dress was navy and we spent two hours scouring the mall for matching shoes because her cousin Mary said she couldn't wear black ones. Do you have rules about black and navy? In this case, the dress pre-broke the rule, so I just went with it. I mean, if Converse can put black with navy, then who am I to say no?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Goal in Life...

...is to feel like this at least one day a week. :-)

Image via Star Tribune, 3/28/2009