Monday, February 16, 2009

Me and Thrift Store Shopping.

I've been shopping at thrift stores since I was in high school, but compared to some of the bloggers I've seen around the interwebs, I am definitely a rookie. I'm looking to sort of jazz up my wardrobe, and maybe push my own boundaries a little. I mean, I'm 27 years old and I still spend an inordinate amount of time worrying what people think of my outfit! Time to get over it, right?

There was a time, when I was thirteen or so, that I wouldn't set foot in a thrift store for fear that someone I knew would see me and think that I was POOR. It never occured to me that if they saw me, then they, by default, were at the thrift store too! I lived in a pretty small town, too, so there was also the worry that you would buy somebody's old dress and they would recognize it when you wore it. The mortification! I've totally gotten past the poverty connotations-- there was a Mercedes parked outside Savers when I was there today, for God's sake. And the Metro area is big enough that nobody should recognize my "new" sweater. (I hope.)

Anyway, I've been reading tons of blogs recently, and I'm inspired to get back into thrifting. Sometimes it's frustrating, sometimes it's awesome, sometimes it's... meh. But at least you aren't wearing the same thing as everyone else, and if you buy something weird, at least it was cheap! The boyscout shirt above was purchase at the Wisconsin Rapids Goodwill circa 1999 for $2.00! And four years later, I saw Drea de Matteo from The Sopranos wearing one EXACTLY like it on Vh1. I bet hers was more than $2.00.

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