Saturday, February 21, 2009

At What Point Is This Considered a Mental Illness?

Here's the scenario: it's Saturday night, and I'm sitting around in my pajamas* perusing the ads from the previous Sunday paper**. I get to the Walgreens ad, and ohmigod, [fill in the blank] is buy-one-get-one! (Henceforth known as a "BOGO.") So, I get up, put on some regular pants,*** tramp through the snow to my car, spend 10 minutes brushing and chipping off snow and ice****and drive to Walgreens to bag this deal before the new sale is posted on Sunday. This happens at least once a month, usually more often. It is a sickness, y'all.*****

Today, it was Revlon lipstick. As you can see, I was desperately in need of more lipstick:

The thing is, I don't even wear lipstick on a regular basis. I want to be a woman who wears lipstick, because I think it looks polished and put-together. Unfortunately, I am not a woman who wears lipstick, at least not naturally. I worry too much that the color is wrong, or that is is all over my teeth, or that it makes me look like Ronald McDonald(tm). But I still compulsively buy it any time there is a sale or I have a coupon. I am trying to get in the habit of wearing it daily, but it is a high-maintenance beauty product. Besides constantly reapplying lip balm, I also eat pretty much non-stop all day long, so I need to touch it up a lot, and I forget. The above photo has convinced me that I must keep trying! All this lipstick will not be thrown in the trash in vain.

*Did I just reveal what strange, anti-social little homebody I am? Oops.

**Yes, they do just sit around the apartment all week.
***An adult should never go to the store in her pajama pants. Pajama top, fine, as long as you have your coat on.
****I like to call this "the Minnesota Workout."
*****Last footnote, I swear. I really wish I was Southern so I could get away with using y'all on a regular basis.

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