Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Shoes x 2

Long time, no blogging. Since I totally slacked the last week or so, here are two pairs of Tuesday shoes. I really, really wanted a pair of cobalt blue heels, so I turned to trusty Amazon, and found these Charles by Charles David Pompadour heels. The color glows and I LOVE the shape of these! Sort of retro, very sexy, and oh-so-difficult to walk in! The pitch is really steep, and so was the price (for me, anyway-- if my husband asks, they were 50 bucks.)
I'm never attracted to a shoe unless it potentially can cause calluses, corns, bunions or strained tendons. Sick, I know. But the soles are GOLD, you guys. Gold.

Anyway, while I was looking for these, Amazon helpfully popped up these boots! I've been on a hunt for The Perfect Boots for three years. My previous pair was purchased in 2000 from Maurices. They were PVC, had just the right level of shine, had round/square toes, a 3/4 inch platform and a chunky heel. The zipper ripped out back in 2006, plus Dimitri chewed on the toe. RIP. These new boots are not exactly those things, but they are leather and they do have round toes. They are Charles by Charles David Liberation* boots. I love them. Mission Accomplished!

*I'm not sure if they are women's "Liberation" or the full model name is "Women's Liberation." I hope it is just Liberation.

1 comment:

  1. Good lord, those shoes are delicious! And gold soles. Amazing!
